HP Government to Restore Old Pension Scheme From 01-04-2023
Implementation of Old Pension Scheme in Himachal Pradesh
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance (Pension) Department
No. Fin (Pen)A(3)-1/2023
Dated: ShimIa-171002, the 17th April, 2023
The undersigned is directed to say that in view of the Cabinet Decision for implementation of the Old Pension Scheme under the CCS (Pension)Rules 1972, the State Government has decided that contributions of the State Government employees (i.e. employee’s and employer’s share) covered under National Pension System shall be stopped w.e.f. 1st April, 2023.
By Order
Prabodh Saxena, IAS
Chief Secretary to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Source: https://himachal.nic.in/