KV Balvatika (Siddharth Nagar) LKG Admission 2025-26
Balvatika programme (one year programme before Grade-I), which are meant to prepare children with cognitive and linguistic competencies that are pre-requisite for learning to read, write and develop number sense through a play-based approach.
KV Balvatika (Siddharth Nagar) – On completion of this course, the learners will be able to:
- Describe the aims and objectives of Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika
- Describe Developmental goals and their interrelatedness
- Describe ways to plan the weekly schedule
- Plan age appropriate activities and experiences for children
- Transact the activities and experiences in a joyful way
- Track the progress of the children to support learning
KV Balvatika 50 School List
KV (Siddharth Nagar) Balvatika Admission Age Limit 2025-26
- It further recommended that prior to age of 5, every child will move to a ‘Preparatory Class’ or ‘Balvatika’ i.e. before Grade-I with a focus on developing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities and also early literacy and numeracy.
Class | Age as on 31st March 2025 |
Balvatika I | Attained 3 years but not completed 4 years |
Balvatika II | Attained 4 years but not completed 5 years |
Balvatika III | Attained 5 years but not completed 6 years |
- Reservation under the Provisions of RTE Act – 2009 shall be applicable at the entry level only, viz., Balvatika I.
- Provision for admission for Single Girl Child category shall not be applicable to these classes.
- Local advertisement shall be issued by the respective KVs and each of them would ensure wide publicity in their locality.
KV (Siddharth Nagar) Balvatika School Timings
Early Childhood Care and Education including Balvatika and Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
The activities in the module are meant to be transacted for five days a week, for four hours per day. However, the four hours per day transaction duration is flexible and you may reduce or increase this duration as per need. In schools where children come on Saturdays, you are expected to help them in recapitulating the activities completed in a week and prepare a plan for the next week.
KV (Siddharth Nagar) Balvatika School Fees
- School Timings – 3 hours per day on a five-day week basis
- Vacation and break as per the existing schedule
- No Uniform
- Fee structure shall be similar to the existing class 1 and it will be collected through the UBI portal.
KV (Siddharth Nagar) Balvatika School Admission Required Documents 2025-26
Documents to be submitted with registration form:
- Birth certificate of student
- Aadhar Card of student and parents
- Photo
- Residence certificate
- Caste certificate
- Income certificate for RTE
- Service certificate
- Blood group certificate
Instructions to Parents Regarding Admission to Balvatika i, ii, iii 2025-26 & Documents to be Submitted
- Filled in application (to be submitted offline only)
- Certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation extract about the date of birth from records of Village/ Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. Original certificate will be returned and a photocopy is to be submitted.
- A certificate that the child belongs to the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / EWS / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) / BPL wherever applicable, issued by the Competent Authority in concerned State Government / Union Government.
- A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt. (sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child is handicapped, wherever applicable.
- A service certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters.
- A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defense employees.
- Proof of Residence from competent authority.
- Those who are selected under RTE in Balvatika I, should submit a declaration indicating the radial distance between their residence and the Vidyalaya.
- Two copies of passport size photograph.
(i) Mere registration will not confer a right to admission.
(ii) Incomplete application forms shall normally be rejected. Incase vacancies remain, Principal may allow completion of the form later at his / her discretion.
(iii) Admission secured on the basis of any wrong certificate shall be cancelled by the Principal forthwith and no appeal against such action of the Principal shall be entertained.
KV (Siddharth Nagar) Balvatika School Admission Priorities
The following priorities shall be followed in granting admissions: –
- Category 1: Children of transferable and non-transferable Central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of Foreign National officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
- Category 2: Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertaking / Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
- Category 3: Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
- Category 4: Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings / Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
- Category 5: Children from any other category including the children of Foreign Nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Children of Indian Nationals waitlisted for admission
KV Balvatika Siddharth Nagar School Admission Instruction, Admission Form, Eligibility, Dates, Timetable, Fees and Reservation Details for 2025-2026 – Click Here